aeltoth/rer | Releases's releases feed1440v3.1.2 If you already have the v3.1 or v3.1.1 installed, there is no reason to update to this version as it doesn't include any new feature > > If you're coming from an older version, it is recommended you remove the old sharedutils mod folders before installing this one. The sharedutils were updated and mods were released with their newer versions such as [Progress On The Path]( This update ensures both mods use the same version of the sharedutils. Further improved overall merge friendliness of the sharedutils, allowing them to auto-merge with pretty much anything, W3EE Redux included. The in-depth guide was updated to include [documentation on how to auto-merge RER & W3EER](]]>Aeltoth2023-02-17 16:31:02.613 UTCv3.1.3 20:02:55.843 UTCv3.2 18:27:23.168582889 UTCv3.3 **Note** > It is __**NEEDED**__ you remerge the sharedutils after the update ## CHANGELOG (since last full release) - 4.04 game compatibility - add menu slider to control reputation loss on death during contracts, `0` to disable the loss]]>Aeltoth2023-07-22 12:39:43.459852689 UTCv3.4 09:59:28.484407194 UTC