
Add randomly generated monster contracts, bounties, ambushes and hunts to the game. Dynamically change the vanilla spawns for unique and varied playthroughs. Simulate an ecosystem and a food chain. Add dynamic events to give more weight to your actions

Install & merge improvements

The sharedutils (the other mods RER depends on and that Faen & I maintain) were updated and all of the merges were removed. Random Encounters Reworked is now entirely merge free, merging scripts isn't needed to install the mod anymore.

You will have to delete the old sharedutils folders before installing this version

Mods compatibility

An internal check to prevent the mod from running in certain situations was adapted to support the Custom Player Character mod so that it should be running even when transformed into a sorcessess.

Contracts improvement

Contracts received another polishing pass. The difficulty scaling was changed to follow a more linear increase allowing for infinite growth for those interested in pushing the limits of their builds. Where before a reputation level of 25 meant an approximate increase in difficulty of 50%, 100% at around level 60, and 200% at level 70, it is now set to be a 1% increase every point of reputation.

In order to make reaching higher level contracts easier the amount of reputation gained scales with the strength of the targets and with the amount of targets killed during the contract. For example a single drowner grants 2.5 points while a leshen grants 15 points.

For the players who are not interested in the infinite increase of difficulty it is now possible to select & lock your reputation level. Doing so won't prevent you from gaining reputation, but interacting with the noticeboard will only display targets of the desired difficulty. It is possible to cancel the lock and go back to the maximum level at anytime.

The previous implementation had an issue where very high reputation levels resulted in enemies taking only 1% of the damage you were supposed to deal. Dealing less damage even with end-game build doesn't feel fun so a new option was added to select the type of scaling you want to use:

  • Mixed, the default value. Uses 50% of the difficulty potential to use the hp/dmg increase, and the other 50% for increased enemy count
  • +HP, %HP regen, +damage, uses the difficulty potential to increase the health and damage of the targets. The damage reduction the bosses used to get is now replaced with a passive %HP regen over 2 minutes, which means that if the creature is supposed to get a 10% damage reduction it is now going to be a 10% HP regen every 2 minutes.
  • Enemy count, uses the difficulty potential to multiply the amount of targets

On top of that as you will reach higher level contracts the number of main targets to kill will sometimes increase, you may see contracts with multiple targets like Leshen, NoonWraith. In those cases and depending on the option you pick in the menu the targets could:

  • Spread over multiple locations, you will have to explore more locations in order to hunt all of the listed targets. Note that locations are guaranteed to be close to each other to prevent pointless walking
  • Group on a single location, but not necessarily close to each other on that location

An optional QOL feature was also added to the contracts: Go back to camp after completion. If enabled and after the targets are killed you will get the option to auto-loot everything around and and fast travel to the noticeboard that you used to start the contract. This should make the RER contract sessions a bit more gameplay oriented if you wish to enable it.