After stumbling across this mesh into the gaming files and studying for a few hours how XML files work, I managed to do what CDPR hasn't !
I present to you a mod that will change and improve your gaming experience and immersion as intended by the developers.
This mod restores a little strap belt for the Netflix Season 2 armour, that was intended since the beginning, which connects the belt holding the bottles with the armour itself.
Bear in mind that this strap is only visible when you equip the Netflix Season 2 armour, as intended.
To install this Mod:
Unpack the zip file.
Drop it into your Mods folder !
GOG folder path:
E:/GOG Galaxy/Games/The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY/mods
Steam folder path:
E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/The Witcher 3/Mods/
That's it ! You are all set up to enjoy the mod!
This is a mod and as one it could have some issues, it only edits two xml files but even so it might get overwritten, if you have another mod that edits the same xml files try and use the script merger, or give priority to this mod.